AI Domain Name Generator and AI Writer announced by
4 mins read

AI Domain Name Generator and AI Writer announced by, the all-in-one web services destination, announced two new AI-powered tools to help users choose a domain name and provide content ideas.

While the AI ​​Writer tool is intended for customers, using the AI Domain Name Generator is free and can be used by anyone with no registration required. AI tools is a provider of hosting, domain, website building, SEO, security and email services.

It’s also an ecommerce platform, basically a one-stop shop for everything needed to launch a website.

Therefore, it makes sense to introduce an AI-based tool to help customers choose a domain name at the beginning of their website journey.

Content ideas for product descriptions, article excerpts, and content for blogs are also a useful addition designed to help their users leverage OpenAI technology.

AI Author’s AI Writer is a tool intended solely for their customers.

The tool has a user-friendly step-by-step interface.

First, a user selects the type of content they need and then prompts them to select contextually relevant options such as important keywords or the tonality of the content.

The following types of content are created:

  • Article
  • landing page
  • meta descriptions
  • meta title
  • PPC ad
  • Product description
  • product details page
  • Services page.
  • social contribution

The AI ​​author also works in the following twelve languages:

  • Arabic
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Mandarin
  • polishing
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Ukrainian

I asked if the tool could automatically insert product descriptions and meta descriptions.

They replied:

“Not yet, the AI ​​Writer feature built into the product will generate the copy for you, you can customize it to your liking, and then copy and paste it.

However, this type of integration with the website builder will be in the next phase of the product.”

How the tool works:

“It’s designed for entrepreneurs and small businesses who are looking for an easy way to create content for their websites, social pages, blogs, product descriptions, and digital marketing campaigns without having to write it themselves.

The AI-powered tool offers a variety of content prompts and interfaces based on content needs, making it easy to customize content to specific needs (e.g. emojis for social media posts).

Other customizable elements include theme tones, keywords and the ability to create multilingual content in over 10 languages ​​including English, Spanish, French and Mandarin, allowing developers to build websites in a language they are not fluent in.”

The AI ​​Writer tool is based on OpenAI, giving customers a convenient way to access these tools within their workflow.

AI domain name generator

AI Domain Name Generator is a public tool that helps users brainstorm domain name ideas.

It uses OpenAI technology, so anyone familiar with ChatGPT’s command prompt can use this tool right away.

But the tool is so easy to use that someone new to generative AI should take advantage of it.

The interesting thing about this tool is that the AI ​​domain name generator is accessible to everyone and you don’t have to be a registered user or customer to use it.

I gave it a try and by describing the type of business the domain name is for, some pretty good keyword-based domain names came up.

My preference tends towards branded domains.

So I updated the prompt and added: “Don’t use keywords for the domain name, instead give me a meaningful brand name.”

And it worked! described their tool:

“Traditional brainstorming and manually researching available domain names can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

By combining AI with our expertise and experience as one of the largest domain name providers in the world, offers small businesses a more efficient, creative and customized approach to finding the best available and relevant domain names.

A customer can provide a few words to describe their business and the AI-powered domain name generator will provide the best domain name ideas, greatly reducing the time and effort required to find a relevant domain name.”

The AI ​​domain name generator is available here.

Featured image by Shutterstock/Kateryna Onyshchuk