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Google Ads requires gaming advertisers with gaming certification to re-certify

According to Google Ads, advertisers with a gambling and gaming certification must apply for recertification by November 2024 or stop relying on the certification to promote products that fall within the scope of the gambling and gaming directive.

Google wrote: “In November 2024, the Google Ads system circumvention policy will be updated.”

“Advertisers with the Gambling and Gaming Certification must recertify or stop relying on the certification to promote products that are within the scope of the Gambling and Gaming Policy if a material change has occurred since the certification application was submitted,” Google added.

If you don’t comply, Google said, “your Google Ads accounts will be suspended upon discovery and without warning.” Google added: “And you will then no longer be allowed to advertise with us.”

Google advertisers with the Gambling and Gaming Certification must re-certify or stop relying on the certification to promote products within the scope of the Gambling and Gaming Policy if there have been material changes since the certification application was submitted.

Otherwise, this will be considered a violation of the Google Ads system circumvention policy, Google said.

Material changes include (but are not limited to):

  • Changes to the advertiser’s product offerings that conflict with any license or permission granted to Google
  • Changes in the Advertiser’s Compliance with Applicable Regulations
  • Changes to the advertiser’s licensing or other Google compliance requirements related to gambling and gaming certification

According to Google, changes to an advertiser’s address or payment methods are not considered material for the purposes of this gambling and gaming recertification requirement.

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