How do I run cloaking ads on social media and Google? A Complete Guide
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How do I run cloaking ads on social media and Google? A Complete Guide

Let’s share an amazing story with you.

A survey was recently conducted to find out different views of business people on banned product advertising. The answers were very surprising. Almost 69 percent of respondents responded that although their products are on the banned list for advertising on all major social media platforms, they still want to promote their products to gain more reach and potential customers. In this survey, most people were in favor of running cloaking ads.

This is because of the power of social media. People used to check their social media accounts regularly and this is possible for a normal person. So what other medium could be better for promoting products than social media?

However, the problem is banned product ads and the solution is to run cloaking ads.

Cloaking: A solution to advertising banned products

Let’s move on to solving the problem of those 69 percent who want to run advertising campaigns for their banned products. And that solution is cloaking.

Cloaking helps outsmart Google, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram bots and target your advertising campaign to a select audience of your choice.

If you are not familiar with cloaking, you will need to hire an expert to run your cloaking ads. However, if you have programming knowledge, SEO, and practical experience in running various software, you can also run cloaking ads yourself.

In both cases, in order to run cloaking ads, you need to be familiar with the basic steps of cloaking so that you can choose the right agency for cloaking or do it properly yourself later.

How to run cloaking ads: step-by-step instructions

Here is a summary of some basic steps for running cloaking ads across all social media platforms

Account opening

The first step is to set up an account on all social media platforms that you can use to run a cloaking campaign. Here is the tip for you: The account should be old and have different activities daily as new ads from the new account will alert the bots. Three other important tips are:

– Never use your official account
– In case of a banned account, you should always have a backup account.
– If the account is new, maintain it through various activities before running cloaking ads.

SEO audit

The second most important step to running a cloaking ad is to conduct an SEO audit. To help you choose the area and target audience, showing your ads to an unengaged audience wastes your budget and can also annoy the audience. As a result, they report your ad and your account, which is a massive loss for Cloaking Ads.

SEO audit helps in choosing the right keywords. Using the words that people search for most in a particular area and that are more related to your products are recommended for cloaking purposes.

Set two different landing pages

The third and most important step is to create two different landing pages, one for the actual users and the other for the scanners.

Here’s a question: How do you identify the actual users and bots? This is done through programming where various filters are applied to the ad click and websites.

Two methods for filtering the audience

The two main methods to differentiate between bots and the audience and to filter the audience are as follows

IP address

A black IP address list is maintained for bots and unwanted users. If the IP address is from the blacklist, the cloaking software will immediately detect it and display the fake page. If the IP address is a real user, the programming in the backend is retained in order to display the actual offer page after a click.

User agent name

In this scenario, different user names are entered into a blacklist. So, when a blacklisted user clicks on the promotional link, they end up on a misleading page while the real usernames are on the landing page.

IP addresses are more authentic for identifying bots because crawlers sometimes change their usernames to catch cloaking ads. In such cases, the IP address blacklist works and shows a blank page to the bots and prevents our cloaking accounts from being identified.

Free camouflage tools

Above are basic steps to run ads on all social media platforms (Facebook, Google, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) using cloaking techniques.

If you have decided to advertise your banned products yourself, then we have some special cloaking tools that can help you carry out these tasks easily.