How to find influencers for your brand [Free & Paid Ways]-TWH
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How to find influencers for your brand [Free & Paid Ways]-TWH

Since you are fully competitive in social media marketing, you are faced with a conundrum: traditional methods of reaching customers are becoming less effective.

While social media and digital marketing have undoubtedly broadened our horizons, they have also made our audiences immune to tired, one-size-fits-all marketing ploys.

Consumers have become adept at avoiding clichés, using ad blockers, and developing a knack for tuning out banner ads.

But in the midst of this challenge lies a golden opportunity: the timeless appeal of belonging. Nowadays, people don't just buy products; They invest in brands that align with their values ​​and identity.

Authenticity reigns supreme in this new era of consumerism. However, building trust is not an easy task.

Luckily, there's a shortcut to building meaningful connections with your audience – one that doesn't require years of painstaking effort: influencer marketing.

In this article, we'll cover the basics of influencer marketing and find out some free and paid ways to help you identify the perfect influencers using the inherent capabilities and marketing tools of different platforms.

First, let’s understand what influencer marketing is.

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is about finding a direct line to your target audience, increasing brand awareness and driving traffic directly to your digital front door.

At its core, influencer marketing goes beyond the age-old struggle of building meaningful connections with your audience and offers a dynamic solution to this perennial challenge.

The appeal of influencer marketing lies in its multiple benefits in the world of social media:

  • Precise targeting: Seamlessly tap into your desired audience.
  • Authentic commitment: Make real connections with your brand's advocates.
  • Social validation: Leverage the trust placed in influencers, which seamlessly impacts your brand.
  • Value alignment: Quickly communicate your brand ethos and principles.

It's worth noting that the impact of a single influencer campaign can be felt long after it's launched, reflecting the sentiments outlined above.

The most effective influencers are able to embody your brand's essence, voice and image, which is why choosing appropriate partners is of utmost importance.

When diving into the influencer groups, it is important to navigate the landscape with sensitivity.

Instead of focusing solely on follower count, it is wise to recognize the effectiveness of micro-influencers, who often achieve higher engagement rates across all platforms.

Their smaller, more intimate communities build deeper connections, resulting in deeper engagement with audiences.

However, finding influencers goes beyond just numbers. Success depends largely on working with influencers whose values ​​align with your brand’s ethos.

This strategic synergy contributes immensely to the success of your campaign and accounts for a whopping 70% of its effectiveness.

Ways to find the perfect influencers for your brands

Many start their influencer search with a simple Google search in hopes of finding a list of potential candidates in their industry. However, it's important to recognize that macro influencers are often prioritized in search results, especially on platforms like YouTube and Instagram.

Let me help you find the perfect influencers for your business with a few simple steps. The first step is to determine the keywords to find relevant accounts.

Step 1: Keyword Search

Social listening tools serve as an invaluable aid in identifying influencers based on their posted content. To optimize your search, it's important to strategically consider the language and terminology used by potential employees.

Let's say you want to promote a platform that specializes in website design. In this scenario, your keyword search can be segmented into different categories:

  • Product related keywords: Terms directly associated with website design services or features.
  • Niche related keywords: Phrases that indicate the industry or specific niche your product is suitable for.
  • Brand-specific keywords: Keywords related to your own product or brand name.
  • Competitive analysis: Examine the language and hashtags used by your competitors to gain insight into effective terminology.

A closer look at your competitors' accounts provides valuable information about trending hashtags and language usage. Additionally, using free keyword research tools like SEMrush or UberSuggest can inspire inspiration and refine your search strategy.

Step 2: Monitor keywords

Next, it's time to configure your monitoring settings. Remember: the more keywords you include, the more comprehensive your search will be. This ensures that the tool captures all relevant influencers in your niche.

Most monitoring tools offer a variety of customizable settings, including:

  • Negative keywords: These instruct the tool to ignore social media accounts with specific keywords, thereby refining your search results.
  • Location and language filters: Specify the geographic region and preferred languages ​​of your desired influencers and tailor your search to specific audiences.
  • Social media sources: Define the platforms you want to include in your search and ensure they are relevant to your campaign goals.

Should you find that your monitoring settings are providing irrelevant or irrelevant information? Feel free to refine them accordingly.

Step 3: Work with results

When you use social media analytics tools, you typically have two main options for using the data you collect:

  • Individual post engagement: This option allows you to delve into social media posts one at a time and interact with the content directly as you navigate through the feed.
  • Comprehensive analysis: Choosing this approach allows for a more holistic view of the data collected. This is particularly effective if you're looking for a comprehensive list of influencers in your niche.

By using various filters, you can tailor the feed to only show content from people with specific audience sizes, streamlining the process of identifying micro-influencers.

By reviewing the contributions from these results, you will gain valuable insight into the perspectives on your chosen topic.

Step 4: Choosing the right influencer for your brand

To refine your selection process and identify the best of the best, consider these crucial questions:

  • Audience targeting: Does the influencer’s audience match our audience?
  • Brand Alignment: Does the influencer’s public persona align with our brand identity?
  • Influencer: Is this influencer really effective? Evaluate their engagement rate to gauge their ability to persuade their audience.

Leveraging the features of a social listening tool can provide invaluable insights to answer these questions.

By setting up alerts with influencer names, you gain access to real-time conversations and sentiment circulating online, facilitating informed decision making and ensuring alignment with your brand goals.

Step 5: Keep trying

Don't limit your search to just these steps. As a focused social media marketer, there is an art to incorporating a persistent approach into your search strategy and having all the options to choose from.

Tips for a perfect influencer campaign

Influencers act as catalysts to create new connections between your brand and untapped audiences. Therefore, it is essential to choose them wisely.

Whether you're scouting Instagram influencers or collaborating with Twitch streamers, you can improve your marketing efforts with the following actionable tips:

  1. Define your target group: Develop a comprehensive understanding of your audience, including their demographics, psychographics, and online behavior.
  2. Analyze metrics: Although the prevalence of fake influencers has decreased, it is still advisable to verify the authenticity of potential collaborators. Using a social media monitoring tool to conduct a thorough reputation analysis further protects your brand from potential damage from misguided partnerships.
  3. Promote creativity: Add value to your campaigns by infusing them with innovation and creativity. While a simple product recommendation on Instagram can be enough, bringing a sense of interactivity and challenge to influencer-led initiatives increases engagement exponentially.


In influencer marketing, there are diverse and numerous opportunities to discover effective cooperation partners. Whether you're navigating the terrain using manual searches or seeking support from talent agencies, the overarching goal remains: discovering influencers who embody the essence of your brand.

Additionally, the features of advanced social media monitoring tools like Awario or Buzzsumo take the search process to a new level and provide a panoramic view of potential influencers in your niche.

Armed with these invaluable insights, you'll be able to make strategic decisions that authentically resonate with your audience, foster real connections, and drive meaningful engagement.

Ultimately, finding the ideal influencer is a journey marked by thorough research, strategic direction, and a dedicated commitment to authenticity.

By partnering with influencers who authentically represent your brand values, you're not just cultivating an audience – you're cultivating a community united by shared principles and mutual admiration.

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