How to integrate AI chat and software into your SEO workflow
Know who you/the customer are talking to:
Reservation: This is 1000% not as effective as researching directly with your audience via a customer discovery session, a user focus group, or a formal “To Do” research session. Ideally, you confirm what you expect from AI through human conversations with your target audience.
However, if you don’t know who you’re talking to, this is a better place to start than not thinking about your target audience. I’ve expanded my basic prompt here with tips from Andy Crestodina to make it a chained set of prompts:
Prompt 1:
Build me a personality [job title] Who works for a [company type] Company. List the roles, goals, challenges, vulnerabilities and decision criteria for selection [your company type] Company.
Prompt 2:
What keeps this person awake at night?
Prompt 3:
What words does this person use to describe themselves? [service] Challenges and solutions?
Prompt 4:
If you were [describe your persona]what online resources would [persona] read to help you be more effective in your work?
Thematic Research – What topics should you cover? Where are your thematic gaps?
Prompt 1:
Here are the titles of our published blog posts on the topic of X content. What content is missing?
Prompt 2:
Based on the episodes in this feed, [feed URL]what topics related to ““Were not covered? The audience is X, and the content focuses on X or helps X persona with x.
Know the main topics and subtopics that need to be covered in your text
Prompt 1:
Create a table of the semantically related subtopics of the X topic, organized by the searcher’s stages of learning the topic. The output should contain a column for the learning phase and another with the keywords used in a search.
Prompt 2:
I saw this shared by Aleyda Solis’ SMX Advanced presentation and adapted it to my workflow.
Step 1:
Export a raw list of keywords and their search volume from Moz Pro’s keyword research tool. Upload this list to ChatGPT and ask the AI tool to group the keywords into semantically related groups (while maintaining associated search volumes). Export this to a CSV file.
Step 2:
From a list of these keywords, create a hub-and-spoke model and consolidate the ones that are too similar and that the same content would target to avoid duplicates.
Consider their search intent to group them.
These are used in Section X on our website.
The hub and spoke model should be in English and list the search intent of each keyword.
The target group is [x]and that should attract and captivate [name of the target audience here] For a [type of business/service].
List them in a table along with their reported average search volume in the additional columns listed below.
Additionally, suggest titles and meta descriptions that follow SEO best practices for creating content specifically targeted to this audience: [list keywords here].
Know your unique brand value and how to express it in content
This must be done using an AI chat with access to the Internet (ChatGPT4 or Bing Chat) or ChatGPT with the BrowserOps plugin:
Based on these competitors [list competitors names & URLs]how is [your brand + URL] different?