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8 mins read

Fight to shut down the government: The failed GOP spending bill shows the limits of Trump’s power

Support independent journalism that matters – Become a Vox member today. Editor’s Note, December 21, 10:20 a.m. ET: Shortly after midnight Saturday, the Senate passed a bill that would fund the government and prevent a shutdown. The bill did not provide for the suspension or abolition of the debt ceiling as demanded by Donald Trump. […]

2 mins read

Mullenweg pauses WordPress services – hopes to reopen next year

Matt Mullenweg announced the abrupt suspension of services offered by, impacting plugin submissions, reviews, theme submissions, and photo directory additions. He offers WP Engine to continue providing these services, citing the recent court order against him and Automattic that forces it to provide “free labor and services.” Break for the holidays Mullenweg published a […]

1 min read

A market share of 1% is forecast by 2025

Could ChatGPT search have a 1% share of the search market sometime next year? Yes, according to new internal data the enterprise SEO platform shared with Search Engine Land today. “For the first time, we can see a trend where ChatGPT could cross the magic 1% market share threshold sometime next year,” said Jim Yu, […]

6 mins read

Synthetic data has its limitations – why human-derived data can help prevent AI model collapse

Subscribe to our daily and weekly newsletters to receive the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI reporting. Learn more My goodness, how quickly the tables are changing in the tech world. Just two years ago, AI was being hailed as the “next transformational technology to rule them all.” Ironically, instead of reaching Skynet […]

1 min read

Website Reputation Abuse: Is Your Website At Risk?

Google’s suggestion that off-topic content could be targeted by the algorithm made a lot of people nervous, and for good reason – “off-topic” is hopelessly (intentionally?) vague. Many websites rightly cover a wide range of topics, while other websites now specifically target topics in a way that is clearly designed to maximize SEO benefits. The […]