How to build a successful MarTech stack in 2023
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How to build a successful MarTech stack in 2023

How to build a successful MarTech stack in 2023

Struggling to keep up with the evolving digital marketing landscape?

That’s where marketing technology—or MarTech—comes in. The right MarTech can help you automate tasks and streamline your workflow for better performance.

But how do you upgrade your MarTech stack to maximize campaign effectiveness?

On November 10th, I hosted a webinar with iQuanti’s Vishal Maru, VP of Digital Solutions, and Shaubhik Ray, Senior Director of Digital Analytics, and Tealium’s Josh Wolf, Director of Partner Solutions Consulting.

Maru, Ray, and Wolf walked through some of the leading tools and solutions to include in your MarTech stack for 2023 and beyond.

Here is a summary of the webinar. To access the entire presentation, fill out the form.

Characteristics of a mature martech stack

A mature MarTech stack should cover four categories:

  • analytics.
  • Activation.
  • Experience.
  • data management.
How to build a successful MarTech stack in 2023iQuanti, November 2022

The tools you choose should provide insights into each category so you can make informed decisions.

[Learn more] Access the webinar immediately →

Key MarTech Stack Recommendations for 2023

Important marketing decisions must be based on data. But how do you distribute data client-side and server-side?

Enable a consent framework to work around issues with third-party cookies

From a privacy perspective, you can set up a framework to support GDPR in Europe, CCPA in America, and all the different privacy rules.

By using consent management to manage this data, you can do the right thing with your customers’ information.

How to build a successful MarTech stack in 2023iQuanti, November 2022

[See the best privacy tools in action] Access the webinar immediately →

Develop universal identifiers to understand each member of your audience

Universal Identifiers are identifiers created to identify an individual within or across advertising networks.

Creating a person’s unique profile helps to understand their needs and interests.

Use this information to send everyone a customized message.

[Learn the tools you can use to do this] Access the webinar immediately →

Use cookie-free, globally proven targeting solutions

Some solutions are being developed to solve targeting problems caused by deprecation of third-party cookies.

You can use cookie-free Predictive Audiences to target mobile, desktop, CTV, audio and YouTube users.

The other solution in this on-demand webinar allows you to gain key insights into existing customers and similar audiences across platforms.

[Discover the tools] Access the webinar immediately →

Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning

A robust AI platform helps brands analyze and use larger amounts of data to personalize their customer experience.

You will be able to:

  • Implement predictive analytics to extract more detailed insights from data.
  • Improve forecasting or segmentation precision.
  • Scale marketing use cases across organizations.

[Find out how marketers can leverage AI/ML] Access the webinar immediately →

Invest in experience analytics

Experience analytics platforms help you understand the “why” behind something that works or doesn’t work:

  • heat maps.
  • session recordings.
  • travel cards.
  • Deeper insights into user behavior.
  • Website Troubleshooting.

Maximize ads with AI-powered creative analytics

According to Nielsen, creative quality determines 75% of advertising impact.

However, there is no solid analytical approach to optimizing creative performance.

Typically, people focus on bidding, but they don’t pay attention to how their creatives impact ad performance.

Some platforms harness the power of AI to gain deeper insights into creative performance and generate better leads.

[See a MarTech assessment in action] Access the webinar immediately →

how to start

Now that you know all the platforms to explore and what an actual MarTech assessment looks like, you can use these insights and build or improve your stack accordingly.

To start you need to do the following:

  • Build cross-functional teams.
  • Identify key business priorities.
  • Conduct an assessment.
  • Develop a strategy.
  • recognize investments.
  • Carry out.

[Slides] How to build a successful MarTech stack in 2023

Here is the presentation:

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Is Social Media Search the New Google? How to increase organic traffic in 2023

Join us for our next webinar with Rachel Schardt, SEO Success Manager at Conductor, and learn how to take full advantage of social media in the next year.

photo credit

Featured image: Paulo Bobita/Search Engine Journal

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