How AI is revolutionizing the marketing industry
6 mins read

How AI is revolutionizing the marketing industry

This post was sponsored by the Ad World Conference. The opinions expressed in this article are those of Sponsor.

Seemingly overnight, artificial intelligence (AI) has 10x the ability of marketers to produce content.

And with GPT-4, scheduled for launch in Q1 2023, the marketing community could power their dreams, research, ideation, delivery, analysis, and iteration across all creative formats (text, audio, image, and video). , don’t come any closer ).

However, as AI gets more and more hyped every day, we see designers, copywriters, and all manner of marketers worrying and asking:

That’s why we added an AI in Advertising track to this year’s Ad World 2023 Home Conference.

In the meantime, let’s answer some of your most pressing questions about AI in marketing.

Will my SEO job or content marketing career disappear because of AI?

The short answer: No. AI is not doing your job in digital marketing.

The long answer: AI will multiply touchpoints and accelerate testing, strengthening your relationship with work and personal breadth.

There’s good news when it comes to AI: AI won’t “take over everything humans do” either.

It will simply be one of the standard tools that everyone in the digital industry uses to streamline their work.

How will AI improve my digital marketing job?

AI tools like ChatGPT will:

  • Equip yourself with tools which make creative briefings clearer.
  • Activate pitch ideas share the information faster and more accurately.
  • Create better customer relationships between departments and within partnerships with marketing agencies.
  • Discover tool integrations that give you an undeniable competitive advantage.
  • Reduce the time spent on analysis and imagination.
  • Try more creatives and marketing concepts.
  • Allow for more product launches and marketing campaigns in shorter time.
  • Offer small businesses more accessible copywriting and designto prepare them to become creative professionals in the future.

How can PPC, paid media and SEO professionals integrate AI?

For advertisers and SEO professionals, the integration of AI offers richer creative testing and the ability to update assets more frequently at a fraction of the original cost of time, resources, and budget.

You will Improve your workflows with automatic:

  • Keyword idea generation.
  • Hooks and scripts for video ads.
  • High definition original image ads.
  • Headlines, description lines and extensions for Google Responsive Search Ads and Performance Max.
  • Headlines, descriptions and body text for Facebook ads and posts.
  • Captions for TikTok ads and posts.
  • Subject lines, subheaders and body copy for email campaigns.
  • Product descriptions for Shopify.
  • SEO-optimized articles and landing pages.

You see, AI will make marketing efforts and content creation more rewarding as original content tends to be underused, but with AI it will be released on more platforms, in more formats and in record time. This makes original content creation more profitable than ever. You will be able to:

  • Aggregate video transcripts into blog posts and carousel posts (e.g. ChatGPT).
  • Turn blog posts into videos (e.g. Lumen5).
  • Create videos with AI speech from plain text (e.g. Synthesia).
  • Create new conversion opportunities by making content more accessible for visually or hearing impaired consumers with text-to-speech generation (e.g. or speech-to-text transcription (e.g. Descript).

The list goes on and on.

The snack is this: AI isn’t the big monster you might think it is. It is the weapon to break down the barriers, limitations and shortcomings that marketers face in their daily work.

Try ChatGPT, Writesonic, Jasper or And you will find that AI only enhances your skills. With practice, you’ll be able to be more creative, focused, and adaptable than ever before. Imagine having the powers of sci-fi characters Lucy or Eddie (Limitless).

The reality is that with AI capable of processing data and producing content quickly, we have entered a new world of infinite possibilities. A marketing world where it is no longer a race against time, but a race towards message/market fit and campaign scaling.

Therefore, mastering AI is not a question of when, but of how.


Athletique is such an amazing brand – I wonder what it would be like to actually start it… #chatgpt #midjourney #openai #ai #adworld

♬ O-Ton – World of Advertising | Ads & AI Tips

How do I learn to integrate AI into my marketing job in a career-safe way?

This year’s Ad World Conference includes a brand new track, AI in Advertising, to get you started on that journey.

Join Ad World from the comfort of your home on March 29-30.

Join our experts, like marketing legend Seth Godin, to discuss the AI ​​revolution and dive into how marketers are harnessing the power of AI.

You will learn how:

  • Master ChatGPT prompts and create unique, compelling content in record time.
  • Automate powerful SEO campaigns with $0 budget.
  • minimize research efforts.
  • Generate endless creative ideas.
  • Test parallel hypotheses quicklyand grow your business with data-driven experiments.

You’ll hear from companies at the forefront of marketing and advertising working with AI, including Jasper, Zapier, Craftly, Unbounce and more.

You’ll also learn what the future holds for machine learning (including risks and opportunities) and how it will impact the industry.

By the end of the conference you will have a new creative brain and a changed approach to growth experiments.

Book your Ad World ticket now while the Search Engine Journal 20% discount is still available.

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Featured Image: Image created by Ad World using Dall-E. Used with permission.